Update : The victim in a fatal Valentine’s Day accident in Maran – KVOA | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona – KVOA Tucson News
KVOA Tucson News |
Update : The victim in a fatal Valentine’s Day accident in Maran – KVOA | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona
KVOA Tucson News MPD and Marana Fire Dept. were called to the intersection of Tangerine Road and Dove Mountain Boulevard, at around 5:30 p.m, on February 14, 2014. The accident, involving a semi-truck and passenger vehicle, closed Tangerine Road in both directions for … |
Serious accident under investigation on Lockport Road – Niagara Gazette
Serious accident under investigation on Lockport RoadNiagara GazetteMultiple first responders, including representatives from the New York State Police and Bergholz Fire Co., are investigating a serious automobile accident on Lockport Road near Hoover …
Teen Dies in Vehicle Accident – KGNS.tv
KGNS.tvTeen Dies in Vehicle AccidentKGNS.tvLaredo Police say the accident happened after midnight on Shiloh Drive and Loop 20. Preliminary reports state Jose H. Trevino, 17, collided with another vehicle on the opposite lane. The driver of the second v…
One killed in Wheatfield crash – WGRZ.com
WGRZ.comOne killed in Wheatfield crashWGRZ.comWHEATFIELD, N.Y. — State Police are investigating a deadly crash that happened Wednesday afternoon in the Town of Wheatfield. The accident happened on Lockport Road between Nash and Ward Roads. State Polic…
KSCJTWO DEAD IN SAC COUNTY ACCIDENTKSCJAuthorities say two Lake View, Iowa residents have died after their pickup truck collided with a semitrailer in Sac County. The Iowa State Patrol says the accident happened shortly after 8am Tuesday morning on cou…
Grain bin rescue class set – Carroll County Mirror-Democrat
Grain bin rescue class setCarroll County Mirror-DemocratArea first responders will be receiving training at the end of this month to aid in the rescue and recovery of those involved in grain bin accidents. Six instructors from the Illinois Fire Service…
State police identify two people killed in tractor-trailer accident in Rockbridge County – WSLS
State police identify two people killed in tractor-trailer accident in Rockbridge County
WSLS ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY (WSLS 10) – Virginia State Police have identified the two Page County men who died in a crash in Rockbridge County on Wednesday morning. The crash happened on Interstate 81, just south of Exit 180 at 6:51 a.m., according to … |
Family remembers loved ones killed in car accident – WECT-TV6
Family remembers loved ones killed in car accidentWECT-TV6John Howard, 84, and Betty Erdman, 87, died after a car accident sent both to the hospital February 2nd. (Source: John Howard Obituary, Marv Erdman). BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC (WECT) -. A community i…
EmergyCare ambulance involved in deadly Dunkirk accident – YourErie
YourErieEmergyCare ambulance involved in deadly Dunkirk accidentYourErieDUNKIRK, N.Y. — A 77-year-old man died when the ambulance he was in crashed in Dunkirk Tuesday night. According to New York State Police, an EmergyCare ambulance was taking Arthur…
TTPD investigate pedestrian accident – WGRZ.com
WGRZ.comTTPD investigate pedestrian accidentWGRZ.comTOWN OF TONAWANDA, NY– Town of Tonawanda Police are investigating a pedestrian accident on Niagara Falls Boulevard. The accident happened on the boulevard near Thistle Avenue. Police say the victim w…