One killed in fatal accident; another airlifted – Shelbyville Sentinel News
One killed in fatal accident; another airliftedShelbyville Sentinel NewsThe accident happened shortly after 12 noon Friday on Lucas Way when the vehicle ran off the road and overturned. The deceased person was pronounced dead at the scene, and the othe…
Funeral set for La Grange girl killed in skiing accident – The Doings … – Chicago Tribune
Chicago Tribune |
Funeral set for La Grange girl killed in skiing accident – The Doings …
Chicago Tribune Funeral arrangements have been made for Delaney O’Connell, a 10-year-old from La Grange girl who died in Michigan following a skiing accident over the New … |
Morning snow covers southern Illinois – WPSD Local 6
WPSD Local 6 |
Morning snow covers southern Illinois
WPSD Local 6 “I’ve seen about five accidents. Couple in the ditch, couple fender benders. And I guess no one got hurt and that’s good,” Hopper said. They spent a good hour out clearing away the snow but they say they hope it hangs around a little bit now that the … |
Gunnison Police issue ‘accident alert’ – Gunnison Country Times
Gunnison Police issue ‘accident alert’
Gunnison Country Times The Gunnison Police Department has declared an “accident alert” for Friday, Jan. 6, 2017. Such an alert is declared when conditions — usually poor weather or another community emergency — are so severe that officers are unable to respond to the … |
Davis Love III Breaks Collarbone in Snowboarding Accident –
Davis Love III Breaks Collarbone in Snowboarding Accident “If have an accident while snowboarding, you might break a bone. An accident on a motorcycle is a matter of life and death.” Love’s orthopedic surgeon is in Birmingham, Ala. His son, Dru, is a senior at Alabama and a member of the golf team. Love was … |
Fatal accident reported in NW Sandoval County – |
Fatal accident reported in NW Sandoval County Sandoval County sheriff’s deputies said a tractor-trailer collided with a small pickup truck on Highway 550 southeast of Counselor. Road conditions at the time were snow packed and icy according to nm roads. The victim was identified as 47-year-old … |
Deputy cruiser damaged in Greenbrier Street accident – WSAZ-TV
Deputy cruiser damaged in Greenbrier Street accident
WSAZ-TV CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) — Icy and snow covered roads caused an accident involving a Kanawha County Sheriff’s Deputy cruiser. It happened about 6:45 p.m. on Thursday at Greenbrier Street and Oakridge Road. Deputies say that a deputy and K9 had … |
Man identified in fatal industrial accident – The Spokesman-Review
The Spokesman-Review |
Man identified in fatal industrial accident
The Spokesman-Review The Medical Examiner’s office identified the man killed in Thursday’s industrial accident as Beau Brown, 28. According to a news release Brown died from a “crush injury of the head.” The ME’s office ruled his death an accident. A Spokane Produce … |
Owner fires worker for reporting accident – The Dominion Post
Chicago TribuneOwner fires worker for reporting accidentThe Dominion PostThe co-worker, Michele Butler-Savage, told a U.S. agriculture inspector later that day that Bachman did not fully clean or sanitize the area of the plant where the accident happen…
Pleasantville man killed in Taconic crash identified – The Journal News |
The Journal News | LoHud.comPleasantville man killed in Taconic crash identifiedThe Journal News | LoHud.comHis car was heavily damaged. A state police spokeswoman, Trooper Melissa McMorris, said Giorgio was the sole occupant of the car. Two out of thr…