Northstar employee killed in ski accident – KOLO
Northstar employee killed in ski accidentKOLOBoth the Northstar Ski Patrol and the Northstar Fire Department responded to the accident, but were unable to revive the man. CareFlight was called to the scene, but was canceled before arrival. The man was …
I-94 accident at Baldwin forcing traffic detours | New Richmond News – Richmond-News
River Falls JournalI-94 accident at Baldwin forcing traffic detours | New Richmond NewsRichmond-NewsAn accident at the Baldwin exit of I-94 is forcing traffic to be detoured this morning. The accident is affecting westbound traffic on I-94. Reports of …
Former Southside Christian School baseball star killed in accident – |
Former Southside Christian School baseball star killed in accident GRAY COURT (WSPA) – A former Southside Christian School baseball player – now attending the College of Charleston – died in an accident on I-385 when he stopped to help a stranded driver. Jacob Oaks, 19, died in the accident Monday around 1:00 a.m. … |
Dead pilot ID’d as noted atheist Rob Sherman – Chicago Tribune
Chicago Tribune |
Dead pilot ID’d as noted atheist Rob Sherman
Chicago Tribune The directive involved making structural modifications to the airplane and adding counter-balances. The NTBS had suspected aerodynamic flutter, a phenomena in which the airplane’s control can vibrate and result in structural failure, in all of the … |
Should bicyclists always halt at stop signs and wait at lights? Study says no – Chicago Tribune
Chicago Tribune |
Should bicyclists always halt at stop signs and wait at lights? Study says no
Chicago Tribune The study proposes that Illinois cities consider changing their laws and allowing cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs, and some red lights as stop signs, thus permitting cyclists to maintain their momentum. It’s known as the “Idaho stop” for a … |
Bell Helicopter confirms fatal accident during Haiti relief operations – Vertical Magazine (press release) (blog)
Vertical Magazine (press release) (blog) |
Bell Helicopter confirms fatal accident during Haiti relief operations
Vertical Magazine (press release) (blog) Two people were killed when they were struck by a helicopter’s tail rotor during relief operations in Haiti last month. The accident helicopter, a Canadian-registered Bell 429, was one of two aircraft sent to Haiti by manufacturer Bell Helicopter to … |
Seventh-grader killed in Adirondacks snowmobile accident – New York Daily News
New York Daily News |
Seventh-grader killed in Adirondacks snowmobile accident
New York Daily News LAKE CLEAR, N.Y. — A 12-year-old girl has died from injuries suffered in a snowmobile accident at her family’s home in the Adirondack Mountains. State police say Harlie Rascoe, a seventh-grader at Saranac Lake Middle School, was operating a … One child dead, another critical following snowmobile accidentNorth Country Public Radio Girl Dead, Another Injured In Snowmobile AccidentWWNY TV 7 |
12 year-old killed in Adirondack snowmobile accident – WCAX
12 year-old killed in Adirondack snowmobile accident
WCAX LAKE CLEAR, N.Y. (AP) – A 12-year-old girl has died from injuries suffered in a snowmobile accident at her family’s home in the Adirondack Mountains. State police say Harlie Rascoe, a seventh-grader at Saranac Lake Middle School, was operating a … Girl Dead, Another Injured In Snowmobile AccidentWWNY TV 7 1 Saranac Lake seventh grader killed, 1 injured in weekend snowmobile accidentNEWS10 ABC One child dead, another critical following snowmobile accidentNorth Country Public Radio New York’s PIX11 / WPIX-TV – all 17 news articles » |
Girl Dead, Another Injured In Snowmobile Accident – WWNY TV 7
NEWS10 ABCGirl Dead, Another Injured In Snowmobile AccidentWWNY TV 7A 12 year old Saranac Lake-area girl is dead and another in critical condition after a snowmobile accident on Saturday. State police say it happened around 3:45 p.m. on County Route 30…
Accident causes another delay on I81 South – Scranton Times-Tribune
Accident causes another delay on I81 SouthScranton Times-TribuneMulti vehicle accident on I-81 southbound at Mile Post: 178.5, Pittston. There is a lane restriction. PennDOT has lifted the speed limit restrictions that were in place on several roadways…