17-year-old from Bassett killed in ATV accident in Henry County – WDBJ7
17-year-old from Bassett killed in ATV accident in Henry County
WDBJ7 At approximately 4:45pm on April 12, 2015 the Martinsville/Henry County Communications Center received a call of an ATV accident in the 1800 block of Hidden Valley Dr., Martinsville, VA. The Henry County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene and … Teen killed in ATV accident in Henry CountyWXII The Triad Bassett teen dies in ATV accidentWSET 17-Year-Old Dead After Virginia ATV AccidentWFMY News 2 Martinsville Daily all 5 news articles » |
2 Hospitalized After Construction Accident Inside King Of Prussia Mall – CBS Local
CBS Local |
2 Hospitalized After Construction Accident Inside King Of Prussia Mall
CBS Local “The Union electrical contractor Omni Electric performing the last of four primary electrical service relocations over the past few weeks had an accident early this morning. Unfortunately one electrician was seriously injured. The electrical service to … 2 workers hurt in electrical accident at King of Prussia MallWPVI-TV |
Worker dies after electrical accident at King of Prussia Mall – 6abc.com
6abc.com |
Worker dies after electrical accident at King of Prussia Mall
6abc.com Worker dies after electrical accident at King of Prussia Mall. VIDEO: Worker dies after accident at KOP Mall. One of two workers injured in an electrical accident Monday at the King of Prussia Mall has died. Embed. <iframe width=”476″ height=”270″ … 2 Hospitalized After Construction Accident Inside King Of Prussia MallCBS Local |
Fatal Connector pedestrian accident cleared quickly – Atlanta Journal Constitution
Atlanta Journal ConstitutionFatal Connector pedestrian accident cleared quicklyAtlanta Journal ConstitutionA fatal pedestrian accident early Monday once again shut down all lanes of a major metro Atlanta interstate, but unlike a similar January inciden…
Injury accident on I-95 shuts down southbound traffic – 7Online WSVN-TV
7Online WSVN-TVInjury accident on I-95 shuts down southbound traffic7Online WSVN-TVNORTHEAST MIAMI-DADE (WSVN) — An injury accident north of Ives Dairy Road has shut down the southbound lanes of Interstate 95. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, …
2 workers hurt in electrical accident at King of Prussia Mall – 6abc.com
6abc.com |
2 workers hurt in electrical accident at King of Prussia Mall
6abc.com Two members of a construction team are hospitalized and a third was under observation after an electrical accident at the King of Prussia Mall. It happened at 7:20 a.m. Monday, as crews worked on the mall’s expansion project. Police say two men inside … 3 hurt in construction accident at King of Prussia MallWPVI-TV 2 Hospitalized After Construction Accident Inside King Of Prussia MallCBS Local |
Megabus crashes on I-65 south of Indianapolis – WLS-TV
Megabus crashes on I-65 south of Indianapolis
WLS-TV Indiana State Police continue to investigate, but at this point say the Megabus accidents are not related, adding that this accident has more to do with construction and traffic. “Most parts of I-65 in Indiana are only two lanes on each side, which … |
Woman killed in car accident in Concord – WKBW-TV
WKBW-TVWoman killed in car accident in ConcordWKBW-TVCONCORD, N.Y. (WKBW) – One woman is dead following a one-vehicle crash this morning in the town of Concord. The accident happened on Genesee Road at approximately 5:30AM between Trevett and Kern Rds….
Petty Holdings employee killed in driving school… – NBCSports.com
Huffington Post |
Petty Holdings employee killed in driving school…
NBCSports.com The Orlando Sentinel reported that the accident happened when 24-year-old Tavon Watson failed to maneuver the car through one of the course’s curves and the vehicle’s right side struck a guardrail. Watson was taken to Celebration Hospital with minor … 1 Dead In Accident At Walt Disney World SpeedwayHuffington Post Exotic Car Racing Accident at Disney World Leaves One DeadNBC Bay Area Death At Disney World Attraction: Lamborghini Accident Kills 36-Year-Old …The Inquisitr Racer –Motorsport.com all 781 news articles » |
Bakken pipeline meets stiff opposition in Minnesota – Midwest Energy News
Midwest Energy NewsBakken pipeline meets stiff opposition in MinnesotaMidwest Energy NewsMore recent rail accidents, including oil train derailments in West Virginia and Illinois, have further pressured the oil and gas industry, railroads and governmen…