Kansas City Police Dept. — CRIME DOWN … During Royals Playoff Game
The Kansas City Royals could be the key to stopping crime in Kansas City … because criminal activity was actually DOWN in K.C. during last night’s big playoff game … cops tell TMZ Sports. We spoke with Sgt. Darin Snapp of the Kansas…
‘TMZ Hollywood Sports’ — Brett Favre Manscapes … Michael Strahan Strips
Brett Favre wants to make sure men are properly groomed … where it counts … as part of a new ad campaign we can’t believe he agreed to do. Plus, more details on Michael Strahan’s first movie role as a male stripper. And KC Chiefs…
Miranda Kerr and Selena Gomez — Well, This Is Awkward (PHOTO)
The Orlando Bloom/Justin Bieber/Miranda Kerr/Selena Gomez love square united in significant fashion during Paris Fashion Week and it was nothing but uncomfortable.Miranda and Selena posed for this pic at the Louis Vuitton show and looked like th…
‘Law & Order: SVU’ — Sports Scandal Mashup … Darren Sharper Meets Ray Rice
The Darren Sharper alleged rape scandal is getting the TV treatment — with a little Ray Rice mixed in — because “Law & Order: SVU” is ripping both headlines for a sports scandal themed episode. The episode — which airs tonight –…
Cuba Gooding, Jr. On Topless Hockey Celebration … That’s How I Get Down!
Screw Ebola, Cuba Gooding Jr. has clearly been infected with another troubling ailment … BIEBER-ITUS … ’cause the Oscar winner can’t seem to keep his shirt on these days. Cuba was leaving Cafe Habana in Malibu Tuesday when we asked about…
Tyrese — Hooks up the Nanny … With a BRAND NEW CAR!!!
Tyrese Gibson reduced a grown woman to tears — surprising his longtime nanny with a sweet new ride!TG handed over the keys to a black Audi sedan Monday … totally shocking the woman a la Oprah — and the video is pretty awesome. He says…
Golf Channel Host Win McMurry — Check Out My Rack
Golf Channel star Win McMurry went out hunting for elk this week … and clearly, she came out ahead. McMurry — who anchors “PGA Tour Primetime” — rolled out to Cody, Wyoming for a big game hunt and took down a mighty 12-point elk … then…
Justin Bieber — Punching Paps in Paris (PHOTOS)
Justin Bieber mixed it up Tuesday with the paparazzi in Paris and appeared to throw a punch during the fracas. We’re told Bieber and his crew tried to clear the photogs out of the way as they entered their hotel after dinner.Check out Bieber –…
Boxer Andre Berto — CHICK FIGHT AT BDAY PARTY … ‘That S**t Was Nuts!’
Two hot, young chicks strapped on boxing gloves … in bikinis … and went at it INSIDE a Miami nightclub to celebrate Andre Berto’s 31st bday … and TMZ Sports has the footage. The 2-time welterweight champ turnt all way up Mokia Lounge in…
Amanda Bynes — Kicked Out of Fashion School for Weed, Bizarre Conduct
Amanda Bynes was out of control at her fashion school … showing up high and offering fellow students money to do her homework … and we’re told it got so bad she was kicked out.Several classmates at the Fashion Institute of Design and……