CBS Honcho Les Moonves — Hey Rihanna, No Hard Feelings
Les Moonves isn’t fretting over the blow back he got by pulling the plug on a segment featuring Rihanna for the opening of Thursday night football … because he scored where it counts. The CBS Prez crowed over ratings for both…
Rob Schneider — State Farm Yanks Ads Over Anti-Vaccine Views
State Farm has folded like a cheap suit … pulling the plug on its commercials featuring Rob Schneider … after health groups trashed him for being anti-vaccine. The insurance company began running ads last month … featuring Schneider…
‘Bling Ring’ Leader Nick Prugo — Miley Cyrus’ Burglars Are Idiots!
Miley Cryus was burglarized by halfwit amateurs who had no business breaking into the star’s home — this according to one of the masterminds of Hollywood’s Bling Ring robberies.Nick Prugo — who served prison time for his famed string of celebr…
Kanye West — Still Cool With Wheelchaired Fan … Yeezus Rides With Us
Kanye West called out a disabled fan in his audience again — but this time he actually scored points with the wheelchair bound crowd surfer … who tells TMZ there’s no grudge over that super awkward moment in Australia. Rick Guardino…
UFC Star Joe Riggs — My Gunshot Wound Healed … Check Out My New Scars
UFC fighter Joe Riggs might be part mutant — ’cause check out how well his gunshot wounds healed up in just THREE SHORT MONTHS!! As we previously reported, Riggs was cleaning his pistol back in July when it accidentally fired — sending a…
‘Modern Family’ Star Sarah Hyland — My Ex-BF Choked Me … I Fear For My Life
“Modern Family” star Sarah Hyland just got a temporary restraining order against her ex-BF — claiming the guy choked her, pushed her and threatened her life … and her TV mom witnessed some of the abuse. TMZ has obtained court docs filed by…
‘Catwoman’ Julie Newmar — A Photog Ruined My Wolford Stockings
Former “Catwoman” Julie Newmar took a big spill at LAX Monday and she’s blaming an aggressive photog for her cuts and bruises … and for ripping her $89 stockings. Newmar told cops she was getting out of her wheelchair to get into her car…
Lieutenant Boomer in ‘Battlestar Galactica’: ‘Memba Him?!
Herb Jefferson Jr. is best known for playing the badass Lieutenant Boomer — opposite Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict — in the spacey ’70s sci-fi show “Battlestar Galactica.” Guess what he looks like now!
Eric the Actor — Sworn ‘Stern Show’ Enemy Sets Up Memorial Fund
Eric the Actor made a lot of enemies on the Howard Stern Show — but his death moved one of them to start a memorial fund to fight the disease Eric fought his whole life.Stern show regular listener Gonzo — famous for his phone calls…
Casper Smart — Telling a Big Fat J. Lo Lie
Casper Smart … the guy Jennifer Lopez dumped … tells us he hasn’t seen J. Lo’s “Booty” music video. Problem is, EVERYONE has seen that video! So is Casper lying, bitter, or bored with her butt? All of the above?