Richard Pryor Movie — Mike Epps Gets the Lead, Not Nick Cannon
Despite openly campaigning for the role of Richard Pryor in the upcoming biopic, Nick Cannon did not get the role … Mike Epps did. The film’s director, Lee Daniels, posted a photo of himself, Oprah Winfrey and Epps … with the caption, “And w…
Suri Cruise — Aye Dios Mio! … ¿Dónde Está Mi Chihuahua?
Suri Cruise’s new Chihuahua, Honey — which she’s only had for a couple of weeks — has disappeared … and TMZ has learned there’s a $1,000 reward for the pup’s return.Sources close to the situation tell us … Suri and her mom, Katie…
Paula Patton — Now Accepting Applications
A freshly single Paula Patton re-emerged back out on the scene Monday night, hitting up Craig’s in West Hollywood for a post-Emmys bash … the first time she’s been seen out since her break-up from Robin Thicke. Don’t get it twisted, just…
Sarah Silverman — Yeah, I Got High … AFTER The Emmys
Sarah Silverman brought weed with her to the Emmys, but that doesn’t mean she was high during the show. Now LATER in the evening is a whole other story … On her way into the big event, Sarah showed off her pot vapor pen and when she won an…
Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon — Absence Makes the Heart Fonder … But Not That Fond
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are actually getting along — way better than when they were together and loathed each other — but TMZ has learned there is NO chance of a reconciliation.TMZ first reported … the divorce is a “done deal” and the&h…
Albert Haynesworth — DUMPS WATER ON TRANSIENT … Stop Harassing My Customers!
Former NFL superstar Albert Haynesworth dumped a bucket of ice cold water on a transient who posted up in front of his burger joint … after the guy allegedly harassed several female patrons … and TMZ Sports has the footage. Haynesworth — wh…
Mr. Belding — I Won’t Watch ‘Saved by the Bell’ Biopic … It’s Full of Lies
Hey, hey, hey … Mr. Belding says the new Lifetime biopic about “Saved by the Bell” is filled with BS — so he’s refusing to watch.Dennis Haskins was clearly pissed about the upcoming flick on his way out of LAX Sunday night … because he…
Guess Who This Flower Girl Turned Into!
Before this little kid bloomed into an international hottie she was just another cute little girl posing with some daisies in Australia. Can you guess who she is?!
Honey Badger Guy Sued — We Jacked Your Catchphrase and We Don’t Care
Honey Badger don’t give a s**t about much … but he definitely cares about a breath mint company cashing in on him without sharing the profits — and now the badger’s getting dragged into court.Honey Badger became a viral video back in 2011…
Katy Perry — Parading Around Riff Raff … the Ultimate Dark Horse
No one believed Riff Raff when he told us he was hooking up with Katy Perry — but when they showed up at the VMAs together … in matching outfits … we started to reconsider. And then we came to our senses and realized there’s NO WAY this…