Republican senators urge vote on new NAFTA deal this year
Twelve U.S. Republican Senators on Wednesday urged President Donald Trump to submit the deal to update the North American Free Trade Agreement to Congress for passage by year-end, before Democrats assume control of the House of Representatives.
U.S. chief justice defends federal judiciary after Trump comments
U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday strongly defended the federal judiciary a day after President Donald Trump referred to a judge who ruled against his policy barring asylum for certain immigrants as an “Obama judge.”
In bid for top U.S. House job, Pelosi makes room for others
Nancy Pelosi, working to reclaim the top job in the U.S. House of Representatives, has called for creation of a new leadership post in a move that could make room for younger lawmakers in the upper echelons of the House Democrats.
In bid for top U.S. House job, Pelosi makes room for others
Nancy Pelosi, working to reclaim the top job in the U.S. House of Representatives, has called for creation of a new leadership post in a move that could make room for younger lawmakers in the upper echelons of the House Democrats.
Democrats see rural gains bolstering fight for White House in 2020
Democrats made dramatic gains in this month’s U.S. congressional elections despite getting little love from white, rural, working-class voters who two years ago backed President Donald Trump.
Judge strikes down Mississippi ban on abortions after 15 weeks
A U.S. federal judge on Tuesday struck down a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks, ruling that it “unequivocally” violates women’s constitutional rights.
‘Maybe I will go?’ Trump floats idea of attending correspondents’ dinner
President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Tuesday that it was a “good first step of a dying evening and tradition” for the White House Correspondents’ Association to feature a historian, not a comedian, at its annual event to be held next spring.
In Mississippi U.S. Senate race, a ‘hanging’ remark spurs Democrats
A white Republican senator’s casual reference to a “public hanging” has inflamed a special election runoff in Mississippi, fueling Democratic hopes of an upset in a conservative state with an ugly history of racist violence.
Mississippi Republican senator apologizes for ‘hanging’ comment
Republican U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi apologized on Tuesday for making a comment about public hangings, but accused her black Democratic opponent in a special election runoff of twisting her words for political gain.
Trump submits written answers to questions from special counsel
U.S. President Donald Trump has submitted written answers to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on Tuesda…