Trump on Twitter (Sept 13) – Jamie Dimon, Hurricane Florence, Puerto Rico
The following statements were posted to the verified personal Twitter account of U.S. President Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Cuomo holds off challenge from Nixon in NY Democratic governor’s race
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Thursday turned back an aggressive challenge from actress and activist Cynthia Nixon in the race for the Democratic nomination for November’s general election.
U.S. Congress aim to delay border wall funding fight until December
U.S. Congress negotiators on Thursday moved to put off until after the Nov. 6 elections decisions on future funding for President Donald Trump’s multibillion-dollar southwest border wall, as lawmakers advanced legislation funding many other government …
House panel backs bill to make Trump tax cuts permanent
A Republican-led panel in the U.S. House of Representatives voted on Thursday to make permanent individual tax cuts from President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax overhaul, a move widely seen as a partisan ploy to help Republican candidates in the Nov. 6 congr…
Attorney general vows to fight nationwide court injunctions
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday vowed to fight back against federal courts that issue injunctions barring the federal government from implementing regulations nationwide, and accused federal judges of engaging in “judicial activism.”
As Senate panel sets vote on Trump court pick, new controversy arises
The Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday set a vote for next week on President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court pick while a Democratic senator sent unspecified new information about nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the FBI.
Trump says Democrats stalling farm bill, work requirement a must
U.S. President Donald Trump accused Democratic lawmakers on Thursday of stalling major farm legislation and said the work requirements in the bill were imperative.
Trump disputes Puerto Rico storm death toll, draws outcry
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday disputed Puerto Rico’s official death toll of 3,000 from hurricanes last year and accused Democrats of inflating the figure that was reached in an independent academic study.
U.S. to reconsider asylum for separated immigrant families
President Donald Trump’s administration has agreed to reconsider the asylum claims of some 1,000 immigrant parents and children who were separated at the U.S. border as part of a deal to settle lawsuits over his “zero-tolerance” immigration policy.
U.S. lawmakers step up push for more Russia sanctions
U.S. lawmakers on Thursday kept up their push for the Trump administration to push back harder against Russia’s “nefarious activities,” even as top economic officials pledged to take a hard line on Moscow’s election meddling and the poisoning of its ow…