Government shutdown hurting U.S. army: general
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The U.S. Army’s chief of staff said on Wednesday the government shutdown was significantly harming the army’s day-to-day operations and he urged a rapid resolution to the funding row.
Obama to meet congressional leaders over shutdown, debt ceiling
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will meet the four top leaders of Congress at the White House on Wednesday to urge lawmakers to reopen the government and raise the U.S. debt ceiling, a White House official said.
Intelligence chiefs deem shutdown ‘insidious’ danger to U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. intelligence community leaders warned on Wednesday that the government shutdown, now in its second day, is an “insidious” threat to national security that will increase the longer thousands of workers are off the job.
Japan-U.S. security talks likely to highlight Tokyo’s cyber-defense woes
TOKYO (Reuters) – Top U.S. security officials meet their Japanese counterparts on Thursday as concerns are growing that the hosts cannot protect themselves from malicious internet hackers.
Senate Judiciary chief seeks controls on bulk data collection
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee said on Wednesday he is working on legislation to tighten oversight of the government’s collection of personal communications data, including ending some bulk data collection.
Obama scraps Malaysia and Philippines visits over shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama has scrapped the Malaysia and Philippine portions of a scheduled four-country Asia trip because of the U.S. government shutdown, and the rest of the trip remains up in the air, the White House said on Wedne…
Web traffic, glitches slow Obamacare exchanges launch
(Reuters) – Technical glitches and heavy internet traffic slowed Tuesday’s launch of new online insurance exchanges at the heart of President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform, showcasing the challenge of covering millions of uninsured Americans.
U.S. Treasury starts last measures to preserve borrowing authority
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Treasury on Tuesday started using its last tools for pushing back the date when the government will run out of legal borrowing authority, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said.
U.S. Democrats defeat Republican measure to fund veterans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives rejected a Republican measure on Tuesday to fund the Veterans Administration while much of the rest of the government remains closed.
‘The system is down’: Obamacare glitches go public, reasons unclear
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Blank boxes where security questions are supposed to appear. Pleas to “be patient.” Error messages galore. Notices that “the system is busy right now.” Web pages timing out before they load. Garbled lines of text riddled with stray…