U.S. court upholds most of California’s ‘sanctuary’ migrant laws
The Trump administration lost a court bid on Thursday aimed at striking down California’s “sanctuary” statutes that prevent local law enforcement from helping the U.S. government’s crackdown on illegal immigration.
Key quotes from U.S. Special Counsel Mueller’s report
The U.S. Department of Justice on Thursday released a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on his nearly two-year investigation into whether President Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia or attempted to obstru…
Potential Fed nominee Cain says not withdrawing from consideration
One of President Donald Trump’s prospective Federal Reserve nominees, businessman Herman Cain, said on Thursday he was not withdrawing from consideration for the post, although his chances of winning the Senate’s needed approval appear dim.
Mueller report leaves Democrats in a quandary
Democrats clamored for the speedy release of U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings of his probe into whether President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia. Now they finally have them, they are confronted with a choice – stay on the attack or move on.
Factbox: New revelations from the Mueller report
There are several aspects of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. election campaign that were not previously known until the release of his report on Thursday.
In unflattering detail, Mueller report reveals Trump actions to impede inquiry
(Advisory: Story includes language that might offend some readers.)
House Democratic leader Hoyer: impeachment ‘not worthwhile’: CNN
U.S. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said after the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Thursday that impeachment of President Donald Trump was not worthwhile with an election coming up in 18 months.
Mueller’s Russia report details Trump actions to impede inquiry
(Advisory: Story includes language that might offend some readers.)
Mueller’s Russia report outlines episodes of possible Trump obstruction
(Advisory: Story includes language that might offend some readers.)
Factbox: Long-awaited Mueller report is finally out. Now what?
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report on Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election was publicly unveiled on Thursday, capping a 22-month investigation that President Donald Trump repeatedly labeled a “witch hunt.”