Trump denies media report he is considering Jim Webb for Pentagon chief
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday a New York Times report that he was considering former Democratic Senator Jim Webb to be his next defense secretary was “fake news.”
Newly powerful U.S. House Democrats hold off on Trump subpoena flurry
The new Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is quietly planning behind the scenes for a series of investigations of Republican President Donald Trump, but no immediate flurry of subpoenas materialized as some Democrats had hoped.
U.S. top court takes up politically charged electoral map disputes
The U.S. Supreme Court is giving itself another chance to make a definitive ruling on the legality of the long-established but often-criticized political practice called partisan gerrymandering in which state legislators draw electoral districts with t…
Shutdown risks delays to U.S. drilling, ethanol, wind initiatives
The partial government shutdown is increasing the chances of delays in U.S. energy initiatives from the release of President Donald Trump’s proposed offshore drilling plan to allowing higher levels of ethanol in gasoline during summer months, energy in…
Trump, Democrats fail to end shutdown at ‘contentious’ talks
President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders failed to strike a deal in sometimes combative talks on Friday to end a partial shutdown of the U.S. government as they fought over Trump’s request for $5 billion to fund his signature wall on the Mexican b…
Trump says he could use emergency powers to build border wall
President Donald Trump said on Friday he could use emergency powers to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border without Congress’ approval, threatening to bypass Democratic lawmakers emboldened by their recent takeover of the House of Representatives.
Supreme Court to hear challenge to ban on profane trademarks
The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide whether a federal law that blocks trademarks for brand names or logos bearing profane words or sexual imagery violates free speech rights in a case involving a clothing brand called “FUCT.”
Trump says government shutdown meeting was productive
President Donald Trump said a Friday meeting with senior U.S. lawmakers on the federal government shutdown was productive and that officials would meet during the weekend to address his longstanding promise to beef up security on the southern U.S. bord…
Trump, Democrats hold ‘contentious’ talks, shutdown goes on
The two top congressional Democrats emerged from a White House meeting on Friday offering no sign of progress toward a deal with President Donald Trump to fully re-open the government, with one claiming Trump threatened to keep it shut for “months or e…
House Speaker Pelosi says cannot resolve border issue till government reopens
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Friday lawmakers cannot resolve the issue of border security until the government is reopened, telling reporters that a meeting with President Donald Trump about the standoff over funding for his long-promised bo…