A daughter learns in voicemails that coronavirus has killed her mother
Debbie de los Angeles woke up on March 3 to two voicemails from nurses at the Seattle-area care home that housed her 85-year-old mother, Twilla Morin.
U.S. CDC reports 68,440 coronavirus cases, 994 deaths
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday reported 68,440 coronavirus cases, an increase of 13,987 cases from its previous count, and said the death toll had risen by 257 to 994.
NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell tests positive for the coronavirus
Comcast-owned NBCUniversal Chief Executive Officer Jeff Shell has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a memo to staff on Thursday.
U.S. Navy to test all sailors on aircraft carrier in Pacific as number of cases rises
All 5,000 personnel aboard the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt will be tested for the coronavirus after the number of sailors on the ship who have tested positive for the virus increased, U.S. Navy officials said on Thursday.
Attorney General seeks to expand home confinement as more inmates contract coronavirus
U.S. Attorney General William Barr said Thursday he has directed the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to expand its use of home confinement for inmates in appropriate cases, as the coronavirus has continued to spread in the federal prison system.
Coffee still king in U.S. as number of daily drinkers rises, study says
The number of people in the United States who have coffee every day has increased 5% since 2015, maintaining its ranking as the most consumed beverage in the country, the National Coffee Association (NCA) said in a study released on Thursday.
New York says hospitals will be overwhelmed under almost any coronavirus scenario
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told a news conference on Thursday that almost any realistic scenario in the coronavirus outbreak will overwhelm the state’s existing hospital capacity and that it was adding to capacity wherever it could.
‘Most photographed’ NYSE trader contracts coronavirus
Peter Tuchman, dubbed the “most photographed trader on Wall Street”, took to Instagram on Thursday to tell his 10,000-odd followers that he had tested positive for coronavirus.
U.S. coronavirus death toll tops 1,000 as unemployment widens
The U.S. coronavirus death toll topped the 1,000 milestone as the pandemic’s mounting economic burden was illustrated by government data on Thursday showing a record number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits and hospitals struggled to treat a s…
U.S. delays enforcing tougher ID requirements until October 2021
The U.S. Homeland Security Department (DHS) on Wednesday said it would delay enforcement of rules requiring Americans to get new identification cards in order to board airplanes or enter a federal building by another 12 month.