Ice storm leaves 420,000 customers without power in Carolinas
(Reuters) – More than 420,000 homes and businesses remained without power in North Carolina and South Carolina on Friday evening due to a winter ice storm with high winds that brought down trees and power lines.
U.S. job growth offers upbeat sign for weather-beaten economy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. job growth accelerated sharply in February despite the icy weather that gripped much of the nation, easing fears of an abrupt economic slowdown and keeping the Federal Reserve on track to continue reducing its monetary stimu…
Fired for gay marriage, Seattle-area Catholic school official sues
(Reuters) – A suburban Seattle Catholic school vice principal who was fired in December for violating religious doctrine by marrying his same-sex partner, on Friday sued the school and the Archdiocese of Seattle for wrongful dismissal.
Two men plead guilty after video shows them harassing Florida manatees
MIAMI (Reuters) – Two men pleaded guilty to harassing an endangered species after a video on Facebook showed them luring manatees to a dock and jumping on them, prosecutors said on Friday.
Pennsylvania lawyer’s ad starring smiling thugs draws criticism
PITTSBURGH (Reuters) – A Pittsburgh lawyer’s online ad showing smiling robbers, drug dealers and prostitutes flashing thumbs up and thanking him for getting them off the hook has garnered tens of thousands of views and drawn fire from a local bar assoc…
U.S. border agents told to be less aggressive against stone-throwers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Border Patrol told its agents on Friday that when they confront suspected illegal immigrants crossing the frontier who throw rocks at them, they should try to take cover or move away rather than immediately open fire.
U.S. judge throws out fine against commercial drone pilot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. judge has thrown out a fine by the Federal Aviation Administration against the operator of a small commercial drone, a decision that could open up the nation’s skies to more unmanned-aircraft flights.
U.S. FAA will appeal ruling on commercial drone use
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Friday said it would appeal a ruling by an administrative law judge in the case against the operator of a small commercial drone, that could favor the use of more unmanned aircraft.
Nationwide search for Maryland girl believed abducted by father
TOWSON, Maryland (Reuters) – Police seeking a Maryland man suspected of abducting his 11-year-old daughter and wanted in connection with the death of her mother widened their search to across the United States on Friday.
Mom who drove kids into ocean off Florida charged with attempted murder
ORLANDO/MIAMI (Reuters) – A pregnant woman who drove a minivan with her children inside into the surf off a Florida beach was charged with three counts of attempted murder, law enforcement officials said on Friday.