Michigan governor proposes $350 million for Detroit pensions, art-reports
DETROIT (Reuters) – Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has proposed a $350 million, 20-year plan for the state to protect Detroit retiree pensions and the collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, local newspapers reported on Thursday.
California congressman McKeon will not run for re-election
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Republican Representative Buck McKeon of California, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said on Thursday he would not seek a 12th term this year.
Spying plunges U.S.-German ties lower than Iraq war: Merkel ally
BERLIN (Reuters) – Relations between Germany and the United States are worse now than during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq a decade ago, a leading ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday, in a sign of mounting anger in Berlin over American sp…
Pentagon cuts littoral combat ships buy to 32: Navy Times
(Reuters) – The office of the secretary of defense (OSD) has directed the U.S. Navy to cut its overall buy of the littoral combat ships to 32 ships, foregoing 20 more of the small, fast warships, the Navy Times reported, citing Pentagon sources.
Pregnant women warned off West Virginia water in cleared areas
(Reuters) – West Virginia officials said Thursday they have lifted a ban on drinking tap water for two-thirds of the customers affected by a chemical spill, but warned pregnant women to avoid it until the chemical is completely flushed from the pipes.
California woman faces trial for wearing Google Glass while driving
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – A woman ticketed for driving while wearing Google Glass, a tiny computer mounted on an eyeglass frame, is scheduled to appear in a Southern California traffic court on Thursday, in a case that raises new questions about distracted…
Ohio to execute convicted killer using new two-drug method
CLEVELAND (Reuters) – An Ohio man convicted of the 1989 rape and murder of a pregnant woman is set to be executed on Thursday using a new two-drug lethal injection method the state adopted last year.
U.S. Navy jet crashes off Virginia coast, pilot rescued
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. Navy jet crashed in the Atlantic Ocean off the Virginia coast but its pilot ejected and was rescued on Wednesday, a week after a Navy helicopter crash killed two sailors.
U.S. safety board members clash over regulatory overhaul proposal
HOUSTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) rejected a proposal on Wednesday night from its staff to recommend a sweeping overhaul of California’s system for regulating crude oil refineries.
Federal grand jury indicts Houston woman for threatening to kill Obama
HOUSTON (Reuters) – A Houston woman who goes by the name “Teddy Bear Paradise” was indicted by a federal grand jury on Wednesday for sending a letter threatening to assassinate President Barack Obama, according to court records.