Special Report: Immigrant couple face double jeopardy in U.S. coronavirus epidemic
The Koch Foods chicken-processing plant dominates the small town of Morton, where even the sides of the roads are dotted with feathers.
Trump mobilizing U.S. military to deliver coronavirus vaccine
President Donald Trump is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans.
As people use COVID-19 as weapon, U.S. states mull criminal crackdowns
Accused criminals across the United States have started using the threat of deadly COVID-19 infection as a weapon in attacks on police, retail clerks and grocers trying to keep the nation fed during lockdown.
Trump says will mobilize U.S. military to deliver coronavirus vaccine
President Donald Trump said on Thursday he is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans.
Senator Burr’s phone seized in U.S. probe of stock trades: LA Times
U.S. Senator Richard Burr has had his cellphone seized by federal agents as part of the Justice Department’s probe of stock transactions made by the lawmaker ahead of the sharp market downturn triggered by the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year, a …
Governor reworks budget as COVID-19 plays havoc with California economy
Ambitious plans to strengthen California’s social safety net will likely be scaled back on Thursday when Governor Gavin Newsom unveils a revised state budget reflecting an anticipated $54.3 billion deficit caused by the coronavirus crisis.
Explainer: Trump keeps raising ‘Obamagate.’ What’s that?
U.S. President Donald Trump has accused his predecessor Barack Obama of seeking to damage his presidency, repeatedly referring to it as “Obamagate” but offering no details.
Whistleblower to warn Congress of ‘grave risks’ of rushing to reopen U.S.
A whistleblower who says he was removed from his government post because he raised concerns about coronavirus preparedness will testify before a U.S. House of Representatives panel on Thursday, as President Donald Trump railed against him, saying he sh…
Big police presence expected at Michigan protest of stay-at-home order
A demonstration protesting Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order is set to take place on Thursday in the state capital of Lansing, with fears some might carry weapons inside the Capitol building.
Kidney injury seen in more than a third of hospitalized COVID-19 patients: U.S. study
Over a third of patients treated for COVID-19 in a large New York medical system developed acute kidney injury, and nearly 15% required dialysis, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.