Pompeo: U.S. calls on China to permanently close wildlife wet markets
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the United States has called on China to permanently close its wildlife wet markets, citing links between those markets and zoonotic diseases.
Trump disagrees with Georgia’s push to re-open economy
U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he strongly disagrees with Georgia’s aggressive push to re-open its economy in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic, saying it’s “just too soon” to lift some restrictions.
What U.S. doctors wish they had known before the coronavirus outbreak
“What I did not recognize was the severity of illness that would be seen in patients who are older and the rapidity with which this illness would spread through elderly populations.”
Trump order temporarily limits U.S. immigration during coronavirus crisis
President Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered a temporary block on some foreigners from permanent residence in the United States, saying he wanted to protect American workers and jobs during the coronavirus pandemic.
More U.S. states make plans to reopen; California holds firm
More states in the U.S. South and Midwest signaled readiness on Wednesday to reopen their economies in hopes the worst of the coronavirus pandemic had passed, but California’s governor held firm to sweeping stay-at-home orders and business closures.
Coronavirus spreads easily in U.S. homeless shelters, CDC says
((This April 22 story corrects to say 249 residents and 59 staff members at two homeless shelters in Atlanta were tested, not 1,192 residents and 313 staff members at 19 shelters in 6th paragraph))
Exclusive: Poll signals strengthening support for Biden over Trump in three Midwest battleground states
Republican President Donald Trump trails Democrat Joe Biden among registered voters in three Midwestern battleground states that he narrowly carried in 2016 and are seen as crucial to winning November’s election, according to an Ipsos public opinion po…
Trump signs immigration order curbing green cards
President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an order to temporarily block some foreigners from permanent residence in the United States, saying he was doing so in order to protect American workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump has CDC director clarify remarks on second virus wave
The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was called on by President Donald Trump on Wednesday to walk back his remark that the second wave of novel coronavirus in the fall could be worse than the current situation.
Trump signs executive order suspending immigration
President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States during the coronavirus outbreak.