Story on FDA authorizing new test kit for coronavirus withdrawn
The March 31 story on BodySphere receiving FDA authorization for a rapid antibody test for coronavirus has been withdrawn. In a statement to Reuters, BodySphere said it has not received this authorization. There will be no replacement story.
U.S. Navy does not rule out punishing captain of carrier who blasted coronavirus response
The U.S. Navy on Wednesday did not rule out punishing the captain of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, who wrote a scathing letter to Navy leadership asking for stronger measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Beyond Trump’s Wall: the Americans riding out coronavirus in Latin America
Some Americans, from young backpackers to retirees, are hunkering down for the coronavirus pandemic far from home in Latin America, saying they feel safer and see no point in scrambling to return.
California coronavirus hospitalizations will exceed available beds in May: governor
California’s aggressive stay-at-home measures are improving the prospects of slowing the coronavirus pandemic, but the state is still on track to run out of hospital beds in mid-May, Governor Gavin Newsom said on Wednesday.
Manhattan office leases slump in March as coronavirus grips city
Office leasing activity in Manhattan fell almost by half in March from the prior month as the coronavirus outbreak halted business activity in New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the pandemic, a report said on Wednesday.
Cuomo closes playgrounds, warns New Yorkers to heed social distancing
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday ordered the closure of all New York City playgrounds to stop young people from gathering in violation of rules aimed at stanching the coronavirus outbreak at its U.S. epicenter.
Amazon warehouse workers protest near Detroit, days after NYC walkout Inc said on Wednesday a handful of workers staged a demonstration at one of its warehouses near Detroit, another U.S. protest this week over staff concerns about contracting the novel coronavirus on the job.
U.S. senators join calls for Americans to don masks to slow coronavirus spread
Two U.S. senators joined a growing call on Wednesday for Americans to cover their mouths and noses when they venture outside, as health officials consider recommending that everyone in the country don face masks to limit the spread of the coronavirus….
U.S. again postpones immigration hearings for migrants in Mexico due to coronavirus
The U.S. government said on Wednesday that due to the coronavirus outbreak it had postponed court hearings for non-Mexican migrants waiting in Mexico.
U.S. CDC reports 186,101 coronavirus cases, 3,603 deaths
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday reported 186,101 cases of coronavirus, an increase of 22,562 cases from its previous count, and said that the number of deaths had risen by 743 to 3,603.