Exclusive: India set to run out of critical free drug for HIV/AIDS program
NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India could run out of a critical medicine in its free HIV/AIDS drugs program in three weeks due to bureaucratic bungling, a senior government official said, leaving more than 150,000 sufferers without life-saving drugs for about …
Australian aircraft to support U.S.-led air strikes in Iraq: PM
SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australian aircraft will join the U.S.-led coalition in air strikes against Islamic State insurgents in Iraq in an initial support role, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Wednesday, ahead of a final decision to undertake bombing mis…
U.S. embassy issues warning after clashes in Myanmar
YANGON (Reuters) – The U.S. embassy in Myanmar on Wednesday issued a warning to its citizens travel ling in eastern Myanmar after clashes between the military and ethnic minority rebels.
Syria-linked militants release Lebanese soldier: sources, media
BEIRUT (Reuters) – Islamist militants have released a Lebanese soldier they seized last month from a town at the border with Syria where they have clashed with the Lebanese army, security sources and state media said on Wednesday.
In attack by al Qaeda, lines blur between Pakistan’s military, militants
KARACHI Pakistan/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Months after Owais Jakhrani was sacked from the Pakistan navy for radical Islamist views, he led an audacious mission to take over a warship and turn its guns on a U.S. naval vessel in the open seas.
U.S. sends ‘Ironhorse’ tanks to NATO’s nervous Baltic front line
WASHINGTON/RIGA (Reuters) – U.S. troops and tanks will deploy across the three Baltic states and Poland in the next two weeks on a mission designed to deliver an unmistakeable message of NATO resolve to Moscow.
Indonesia inaugurates parliament likely to curb Widodo’s reforms
JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesia inaugurated a new, opposition-dominated parliament on Wednesday, one that is expected to obstruct incoming president Joko Widodo’s ambitious reforms for Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.
Egypt offers military training to Libya, cites Islamic State threat
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt has offered to train pro-government forces battling rival armed groups in Libya, stepping up efforts to eradicate what it says is a threat to its own stability from the anarchy engulfing its neighbor.
Amid differences, Israel’s Netanyahu to seek reassurances from Obama on Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu meet for a new round in their often-tense relationship on Wednesday, facing differences over Iran diplomacy and Middle East peace efforts as well as complications from the U.S.-led fight against Islamic State militants.
Australia passes security law, raising fears for press freedom
SYDNEY (Reuters) – The first of a series of security powers requested by Australia’s government to combat Islamist militants passed through parliament on Wednesday, despite criticism that they could land journalists in jail for reporting on national se…