Nigerian in Singapore does not have Ebola: Straits Times
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – A Nigerian woman sent to a Singapore hospital isolation unit on Thursday does not have Ebola as initially suspected, the Straits Times reported.
Ukraine crisis sends NATO ‘back to basics’
PARIS (Reuters) – More than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union brought an end to the Cold War, Ukraine’s crisis is driving the U.S.-led defense alliance back to its original purpose: To protect its members against a perceived Russian th…
Russian PM’s office denies spoof tweet saying he quits
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Hackers on Thursday broke into the Twitter account of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and posted a spoof message saying he was quitting.
East Ukrainian rebels say shelling heavy around Donetsk stronghold
DONETSK Ukraine (Reuters) – Pro-Russian separatists said on Thursday heavy shelling hit several neighborhoods around the rebel stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine where government forces are trying to tighten their grip.
Rights group says Chinese police open fire on Tibetan protesters
BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese police have opened fire on Tibetan demonstrators in southwestern China, wounding 10 people, after the Tibetans protested against the detention of a respected village leader, a Tibetan rights group said.
Aged Japan veterans voice concerns about military policy shift
TOKYO (Reuters) – Tokuro Inokuma, a former Imperial Japanese Army soldier, got his first taste of the horrors of war in 1945 when he scrambled to gather up the scattered limbs of his fellow servicemen, blown apart by a U.S. air raid in Japan. He was 16…
Ukraine accuses Russia of cynicism over convoy; death toll rises sharply
KIEV/VORONEZH Russia (Reuters) – Ukraine described Russia’s dispatch of an aid convoy advancing now towards its border as a cynical act designed to fan a pro-Russian rebellion the UN said on Wednesday had claimed nearly 1,000 lives, fighters and civili…
Putin’s Ukraine gamble hastens exodus of Russian money and talent
LONDON (Reuters) – The Kremlin’s worst clash with the West since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union has accelerated the outflow of two of Russia’s most prized assets: money and brains.
Kerry says constructive relations with China needed for regional stability
HONOLULU (Reuters) – A constructive relationship between Washington and Beijing is necessary to maintaining regional stability despite China’s behavior in the South China Sea, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday at the end of an eight-…
Brazil presidential candidate Campos killed in plane crash
SANTOS Brazil (Reuters) – Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos was killed in a plane crash on Wednesday, throwing the October election and local financial markets into disarray.