Egypt party chief sees no government resignations
CAIRO (Reuters) – Nobody will resign from the Egyptian cabinet following the government’s decision to break up Muslim Brotherhood protest camps by force, said the leader of the political party to which both the prime minister and one of his deputies be…
Tunisian ruling party leader calls for non-partisan cabinet
TUNIS (Reuters) – The secretary general of Tunisia’s ruling Islamist party said on Wednesday that he favored a non-partisan cabinet, in what may be a significant concession to the secular opposition after weeks of anti-government unrest.
Police take full control of main pro-Mursi protest camp in Cairo
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egyptian police have taken complete control of the biggest protest camp in Cairo set up by supporters of the deposed president, Mohamed Mursi, the state news agency reported on Wednesday.
Freed Palestinian prisoners return to transformed lives
BRUQEEN, West Bank/GAZA (Reuters) – Returning home 24 years after stabbing to death an Israeli settler in the rocky hills above his village, freed Palestinian prisoner Mustafa al-Haj has missed the milestones of a generation.
Egypt Islamist party says political violence threatens society
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s second largest Islamist party called on Wednesday for an end to political violence it said threatened to split society.
Afghanistan’s future depends on foreign soldiers: U.S. commander
KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan’s security will remain dependent on international troops for many years after most foreign combat forces leave by the end of 2014, the U.S. commander of the NATO-led force in the South Asian country said.
Deadly attacks force Doctors Without Borders to quit Somalia
NAIROBI (Reuters) – A medical charity that was a lifeline for hundreds of thousands of Somalis announced on Wednesday it was pulling out of the country, saying the threat of deadly violence had become intolerable.
ElBaradei quits as Egypt vice president in protest at crackdown
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s interim vice president, Mohamed ElBaradei, resigned on Wednesday after the security forces violently broke up protest camps set up by supporters of the deposed president, Mohamed Mursi.
Fidel Castro lauds North Korea as U.N. inspects weapons cargo
HAVANA (Reuters) – North Korea gave Cuba extensive military support in the 1980s, former President Fidel Castro said on Wednesday as the United Nations investigated a cargo of hidden Cuban arms discovered last month in the hold of a North Korean ship.
Iraqi prime minister says to pursue militants after bombings
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Iraq’s Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki gave a defiant response to deadly coordinated bombings at the weekend claimed by al Qaeda, promising in a speech on Wednesday to hunt down those responsible.